Numerous scientific studies over recent years have confirmed the health damage caused by prolonged sitting. Many doctors compare smoking with sitting because of the problems they cause:
- Most people spend on average 7 to 13 hours a day sitting.
- Spending more than 6 hours sitting increases health risks by 40%.
- The risk of diabetes also increases by 24% for people with sedentary jobs.
- People sitting 7 hours per day are 3 times more predisposed to depression in comparison to those
sitting less than 4 hours. - While sitting, the enzymes that break down fat fall by 90%. The body burns only 1 calorie per minute.
- After 2 hours of sitting, there is a drop of about 20% in “good” cholesterol levels.
Surveys, linked to seated jobs and health issues, show that the most effective way to reduce risks is not just doing sports in your free time, but more movement and better posture at work.
The program relies on:
- Individual approach to each office, tailored to the number and type of employees, their needs, problems, and attitudes.
- Introductory phase with regular activities.
- Receiving feedback from managers and employees and tracking the results in order to refine and develop the program to the needs and specifics of the offices/companies.
- Possibility to implement the program in companies on a yearly basis through monthly, subject-specific thematic activities, desktop Chair UP application (under development) and others.
A pilot phase that includes:
- Hands-on workshops led by experts. The topics are determined after consulting with an organizational psychologist, taking into account the specifics of the office/company. Some of the themes: Get UP (self-massage and unblocking techniques, Power UP (energizing), Cheer UP (stress and chronic fatigue reduction, avoiding the burnout syndrome).
- Functional office workouts with
Krasse Gueorguiev. The Ultimate office workouts are aimed to train the whole body, balance, focus, condition, parts of the body that are influenced by a sedentary position. - Motivational lectures.
- Organizing corporate challenges that stimulate office activity.
- Materials and tools for employees, as well as guidelines for their use: fitness bands for exercises, self-massage foam rollers, massage balls and more.
- Analysis and recommendations: conducting surveys among employees; conversations with team managers; Results analysis; follow-up recommendations.
- PR activities: preparation of texts; media
participations ; professional photography; video with exercises
- Motivated employees: Regular exercise keeps people energetic, motivated and happy when they are at work. It improves its overall performance. Some studies have revealed that there’s a connection between productivity and happiness – happier people are 12 percent more productive.
Better concentration at work: Physical activity stimulates the body to produce chemical compounds that are required by the brain to perform functions such as memorizing, simultaneously performing multiple tasks and solving problems.- Stress reduction & Increased brain power: During physical activity, the body produces hormones such as norepinephrine, which helps the brain function properly and improves mood.
- Better sleep & Better mood: Sleep is another key factor that leads to a happy, healthy and productive life. Some people don’t understand the connection
of physical activity and sleep. Several studies demonstrate that exercise is helpful in stabilizing sleep patterns. Various researchers have proven that deep sleep helps you fend off stress, depression, and sickness