Wellness Weeks at VMware

Video: Chair UP & VM Ware
Chair Up & SAC: Innovative idea of the year

Two weeks dedicated to restoring and recharging the vital connection between spirit, body, and mind.

The wellness fair is an annual VMware tradition – two weeks of a variety of activities aimed at restoring and recharging the vital connection between spirit, body and mind. This year, the fair took place in November.

The activities were open to all 800+ employees of the company and there was something for everyone – workouts, massages, talks on stress management, sleep, happiness and eco-friendliness, mountaineering safety and fellow assistance, as well as art masterclasses.

“The sitting profession is the new smoking”, as one of our lecturers said. Our bodies need daily taking care of – habits are of key importance and good practices can turn into habits to help us feel better in the long run. The ultra-marathon runner Krasse Gueorguiev and his Chair-UP crew organized some sweaty but extremely refreshing workouts and very useful workshops on mobility exercises. We gained a new perspective on what sitting all day does to our bodies and learned some easy but very effective exercises we can practice at the office.

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